The joy of C#


Why do we love to debate languages and frameworks?

For me I think it’s because software engineering (and other tech based roles) feel vocational. Dare I say it, they almost feel like a hobby. With hobbies or vocations come subjective opinions based upon feeling. Like comparing your favourite band to someone else’s, your favourite movie or TV show. Software development languages, tools and frameworks experience the same level of debate and I love that the Tech Returners delivery team are no different to a group of friends debating their favourite bands. Comparing Java, TypeScript and C# is one of those topics we love to chat about.

We’ve already got a suite of material, software and programmes covering various languages such as JavaScript, TypeScript and Java so it was only a matter of time until we introduced the C# language (and supporting frameworks) into our bag of tools. A few of our team members (ahem Kim and Neil) are certainly followers of C# and continue to follow the eco-system. We’ve also now got a dedicated programme with On The Beach which will be focusing in on C#.

The team have already put together a structure for that material and are beginning to bring together a great series of content around the language. Being someone that is originally from a Java background and more recently that “DevOpsy” kind of stuff – I’m really interested to see the development that is taking place.

See… even I can be open-minded about languages but if your favourite film isn’t Heat with De Niro and Pacino then we should talk

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